Friday, July 25, 2008

Rybka 3

OK I think I will not be getting Chessbase 10 for a while, but I am really tempted to buy the new Rybka 3 engine. For the first time, this engine will be sold for the Chessbase interface. I've been using Fritz 8 for years now, so I think I can justify an upgrade, sort of. This thing looks like a monster :)


likesforests said...

The Chessbase 10 online database feature doesn't come with the update version so I'm totally going to pass on it until I need a new database update at least.

But Rybka 3... I was going to pass until I had a 64-bit OS (it runs much faster on those)... but now I hear it has new endgame heuristics to play better rook endings and Fritz+Rybka3 is only $110 from Wholesale Chess. I have Chessbase but I don't have Fritz. Sigh... sounds like a package I can't refuse. ;)

Chessaholic said...

hehehe... yeah this one's pretty tempting :)

wang said...

Well if you are using Fritz 8 then you really do need an upgrade.

With that said, there is probably not much out there that I wouldn't encourage you to buy :) I like having things too. :D

Anonymous said...

Hold on, I don't get it. 3 is lower than 8.

Chessaholic said...

wang: I like having things too

hahaha sometimes I think that's all I really want - to have stuff :)

lep: Them there numbers are a bitch...

likesforests said...

I've been reading the Rybka forums and discovered a few things:

1. Rybka 2.3.2mp on my dual-core system only runs at 150 kN/S.

2. Rybka 2.3.2mp on a Q6600 system (+$500) runs at 8000+ kN/S.

3. On faster systems (Q9450 or 2xXeon) speed in the range of 10,000-30,000 kN/s are repoted.

Rybka3 adds <100 elo so a Rybka upgrade may be less cost effective than a system upgrade.

Then there are the two interfaces. The Fritz-Rybka interface offers Monte Carlo analysis (which is much better at evaluating endgame and opening moves) while the Aquarium-Rybka interface supports Idea which lets you tell the engine to focus on some lines while ignoring others...

Tough call! :)

Chessaholic said...

likesforests: hmmm decisions, decisions... maybe it's a good thing that none of the new Rybka software will be available until later this month :)

likesforests said...

It's easy now. Testing shows Rybka3 on 1CPU beats Rybka2 on 4CPU, so the software upgrade is the better deal.

My Deep Rybka 3 + Aquarium should be arriving today or tomorrow. :)

Chessaholic said...

Oh you ordered it already? Hehehe nice... I think I'll go with the Chessbase interface once it's available (in about 2 weeks I figure), I love the idea of Monte Carlo analysis. Then we can compare notes :)