Monday, July 21, 2008


...from a beautiful vacation. No emails, no internet, just lots of sunshine, drinks, and fun. Took an endgame book with me but study was rather limited (mostly due to cocktail-induced laziness).


Banatt said...

oh! So you did go on a vacation! (I made a post complaining about how no one was posting)

Chessaholic said...

lol... yeah seems like it's a bit quieter than usual in the chess blogosphere. Personally, I just seem to have less and less time for chess these days, which doth suck.

wang said...

Welcome back! But admit no chessing kinda hurt...

Anonymous said...

No emails, no internet

So it is possible to survive for a week without that. Nice job.

Chessaholic said...

wang: thanks! yes, it did like, hurt, sort of :)

lep: crazy notion huh? I didn't think it was possible but it worked.

Polly said...

I took a chess book to Korea with me. I'm not sure it ever made it out of the carry on bag, except to get moved to the checked luggage bag on the return trip. We always have such good intentions on vacation, but the vacation itself gets in the way.

I guess I will have no excuse on my next trip since part of it will be in Dallas for the US Open.

WAIT!! I have the excuse....."I was too busy playing chess to study."

Chessaholic said...

Polly: lol, so true... I usually have the best intentions, and even on business trips I'll often carry one or two books, thinking I'll study them on the plane or something. Usually doesn't happen :)