I have been playing around with the Trompowsky a bit lately, and this is a position from a recent game. Black just played e5, the position is roughly equal. What's white's best continuation? There's no spectacular tactic here, just try to figure out the best line of play to keep the game equal. The Trompowsky can offer a good game for white if played right, but I did not find the right continuation OTB and lost the game fairly quickly from here...
Highlight the text between the brackets for a line that keeps the game equal.
[13.Nxd5 Bxd5 14.exd5 Nxd5 15.Qxa5 Nxa5 16.Ne2 Nc4 17.Bc1 e5 18.f4 Bc5 19.fxe5 Nxe5]
7 years ago
Good luck with the Trompowsky. I tried using it for a while, but didn't like the results much. Typically managing some sort of equality, which is great for Black.
It steers the game away from better-known lines, which can be nice.
Thanks LEP. I was trying to find some aggressive alternatives for white after 1.d4, and the Trompowsky intrigued me for a few reasons. As you say, it quickly takes the game into unknown territory, and there are some really fun, tactical battles (especially by British GM Julian Hodgson)that inspired me. After playing around with it though I'm not so sure I like it...
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