Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tournament of Lepers II, Round 3: Polly

After the bye in round two, I had a fun game today against Polly. This tournament rocks, I really enjoy meeting everybody online. Polly - I loved our chat, you're awesome. So anyways, I was fully expecting an ass whooping since she's the number 3 seed and generally seems to really know what she's doing, but somehow I managed to win with black. Here's the game with some analysis:


Polly said...

Your analysis seems to fall in place with what i looked at later. It seems like my bishop trade would not have been so bad if I moved my king sooner.

Nicely done!

likesforests said...

That was exciting. :)

As usual, it's those darn tactics that us class players keep missing.

Chessaholic said...

polly: thanks! yeah your king could've made a big difference.

likesforests: glad you enjoyed it! yeah, tactics, tactics, tactics... it's always the same :)

Anonymous said...

You're winning your division.

No pressure...

Chessaholic said...

LEP: Great, now you jinxed me. Watch me lose my next two games...