Monday, January 21, 2008

Benko Gambit

I have teamed up with two guys from my chess club to take up the Benko Gambit. We will meet once a week to study the ins and outs of this opening. Once we feel we have mastered enough of it, we will move on to another opening. Should be fun :)

I’ve started entering games and analysis from two books on the Benko into Chessbase. It’s a long undertaking but I already feel that entering all that information is giving me a good glimpse at the relevant themes and plans. Sort of learning by “osmosis”…


Sir Nemo said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's adopted the Benko. I had a nice victory with it against a 1947 USCF player last wednesday. Good stuff!

Chessaholic said...

I think it's a pretty popular opening at the club level. What other openings do you play nemo?

drunknknite said...

Carlsen played the Benko today...

Chessaholic said...

Kevin: just saw that... he didn't do so well with it until he swindled his way to a win in mutual time trouble :)