Thursday, December 6, 2007

Chess Mentor

This might be old news, but I just discovered “Chess Mentor”, a neat little program for “interactive” chess training. As a first step, the program asks you for your level of experience (total novice, beginner, good player, tournament level player & rating), according to which it will determine the difficulty level of problems it presents.

You will then be given a position with some introductory remarks, and of course you need to find the best move / sequence of moves. The program will provide feedback on pretty much any move you make, so if you chose the wrong move, you at least have an idea as to why that move was bad. Also, if you are completely clueless, you can chose to get a “subtle hint”, a “strong hint”, or a “direct hint”.

I’ve only dabbled around with the demo for a little while, but I definitely like what I’m seeing so far. Check it out, it's worth a look.

::Update:: Just read here that the program was recently launched in a new and improved version.


Anonymous said...

I'll check it out.


Liquid Egg Product said...

Ditto. I'm not sure if you've been following the training software wars (check Blue Devil Knight or Tacticus Maximus), but you should throw this hand grenade in there just for fun.

Of course, it's probably too late because the debate's already played out...

Chessaholic said...

Yeah I've seen some of the software wars (cool title, sounds like some sci-fi movie). I figured I'd throw a little curve ball :)

Glenn Wilson said...

It does look interesting and useful but expensive.

Chess Mentor is in a different market niche than PCT and CT-Art so we can probably keep the hysterics to a minimum.

Anonymous said...

Wow...and just when I thought the choices were merely going to be PCT or CT-Art. I will need to check this one out as PCT website appears down and the demo of CT-Art was nice but could be better.

Liquid Egg Product said...

@Glenn: Boo. The more chess can degrade to the level of politics, the better.