Ok, this is pretty cool. In case you were wondering what it all means:
"When it is your (White's) turn to move, the chess board will gently pulse to show the influence of the various pieces. in the left image below, you can see waves over the squares around the king and (very lightly) over the squares where the pawns might capture. When the machine (Black) is thinking, a network of curves is overlaid on the board; see image at right. The curves show potential moves--often several turns in the future--considered by the computer. Orange curves are moves by black; green curves are ones by white. The brighter curves are thought by the program to be better for white."
More info here.
7 years ago
The visual during our game were really nice! Alas, it plays slowly and has no positional sense. :)
Kinda reminds me of those artworks that chessbase.com showed a time ago. It was also a chessboard with colorfull lines on it to show the chess moves played.
Yeah, it's not very strong. I seriously gave up when I was fully developed and he had a hole in his D file.
Really neat though.
likesforests & banatt: yeah, it sure isn't the strongest engine, but that's obviously not the point :)
chesstiger: I remember that, wasn't it some German professor that created it?
chesstiger: Just realized I didn't have you on my links list. Fixed now.
Interesting game, but all the pulsing on my move, and all the lines on the machine's move gave me a headache after awhile. Maybe this is what BDK meant by aura.
Too bad it doesn't keep score. It played fairly well against my English until it blundred a piece in the middle game.
polly: yeah, it sure has headache potential :)
Good luck in your tournament this weekend--let us know how it goes! :)
thanks likesforests! hope to analyze and post a game or two by the end of the weekend :)
Cool. It's been around the blogosphere block a few times now, starting at BCC four years ago!
BKD: Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. I guess chess blog n00bs like me will continue to post stuff occasionally that the veterans have known about for years :)
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